
Archive for the ‘QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS’ Category

1 In WW2 what was unique about the US 222 Infantry battalion? All Japanese or Hawaiian immigrants

2 In which 1956 film did Elvis Presley make his debut? Love me Tender

3 Lepcha people Tibet consider it proper to pay teachers in what? Alcohol is acceptable

4 In medicine what is an Anomaloscope used for? Test for colour blindness

5 In the rules of golf what type of bad weather can stop play? Only Lightning

6 Name the Indian version of Barbie? Monica

7 Name the Egyptian God of funerals? Anubis

8 Scrutinise Swirl Sniff Sip – what are you doing? Wine Tasting

9 What is the worlds oldest desert – country named after it? Namib

10 What magazine says We are Number one in a field of One? Mad

11 The band Steely Dan are named after what? Slang for Penis

12 Famous book divided into three parts Mosques Caves Temples? Passage to India

13 What term was coined July 17th 1942 issue of Yank magazine? G I Joe

14 In 1947 it began at Callao Peru ended Tuamotu Island what did? Kon Tiki Expedition

15 Polyhexamethyleneadipamide is better known as what? Nylon

16 In Greek mythology who built the labyrinth? King Daedalus

17 Name Disney’s first film to win an Academy Award? Flowers and Trees

18 In what sport would you find a Tell Tale? Squash – Tin strip ball can’t hit

19 What is the most redesigned appliance in the world? Telephone Handset

20 What started in early 1900s to improve sales sports newspaper? Tour de France Le Petite Journal illustre

21 What come in types Transverse Scimitar and Barchan? Sand Dunes

22 What is the only counties national flag different both sides? Paraguay

23 What is located on Boothia’s peninsula in Canada? North Magnetic Pole

24 Morbi in Gujarat is where most of the worlds what are made? Wall Clocks

25 John McLaughlin made sold McLaughlin’s Belfast style what? Canada Dry Ginger

26 Christian Commercial Travellers’ Association of America are who? Gideons

27 In what sport would you find a Bagel? Tennis – Set won 6-0

28 Who turned down the TV role of Doctor Kildare? William Shatner

29 Name only sports team to play professionally seven continents? Harlem Globetrotters

30 What is the traditional curse of Adam that affects most of us? Working for a living

31 “There and back Again” is an alternative title of which novel? The Hobbit

32 IBM is Big Blue Coca Cola Big Red who is Big Black? United Parcel Service UPS

33 According to the ad At Benneton the smallest garment is a what? Condom

34 In the Bible who came from Gath? Goliath

35 In Tennis where is the Australian Open played? Flinders Park

36 Hemmingway said there’s only 3 sports Bullfighting Car Racing? Mountaineering

37 What traditional Maori insult was seen in the film Braveheart? Mooning

38 What links Escalator, Kerosene, YoYo, Zipper and Thermos? Names into language

39 Cosmetic brand gets it’s name from Latin for as white as snow? Nivea

40 What was the first sport to be filmed? Boxing by Thomas Edison 1894

41 In the Tom and Jerry cartoons name the other mouse? Nibbles or Tuffy

42 What was the first LP record to sell over 1 million copies? Calypso by Harry Belafonte

43 Facts, Briefs, Destiny and Chance were early names for what? Time Magazine

44 Take a before meal its aperitif what’s an after meal one called? Digestif

45 Methyphobia is the fear of what? Alcohol

46 Tribology is the study of what? Friction

47 Name Leonard Nimoy’s autobiography? I am not Spock

48 The Stoner Case was a Sherlock Holmes play – later what story? The Speckled Band

49 In Iowa pouring what down a pub drain with cop there is illegal? Water it becomes an illegal alcohol

50 Christobal Colon is better known as who? Christopher Columbus

51 What is measured on the Torro scale? Tornados

52 Where would you find the Forte and the Foible strong – weak? Sword blade near hilt and tip

53 President Woodrow Wilson May 6th 1919 first to do what? Take out Air accident Insurance

54 In Australian slang what is a Coughie? Bad Umpiring decision

55 Satan is Lucifer but what does Lucifer mean? The Light Bearer

56 Chapman Root designed it based on a Hoople skirt – what? Coca Cola bottle

57 What does a Grabatologist collect? Ties

58 Blind, Comb, Fine Line and Harrow are types of what? Stamp Perforation

59 The Millennial Dawnists changed their name to what? Jehovah’s Witnesses

60 The name of this animal translates as ghost what is it? The Lemur

61 What country has two AK47 assault rifles on it’s flag? Mozambique

62 In film who is the alter ego of Daniel Hillard? Mrs Doubtfire

63 Who was the female star of Basic Instinct? Sharon Stone

64 In computing there are 8 bits to a byte what are 4 bits called? Nibble

65 The Arabs call it Al-Maghrib what do we call it? Morocco

66 The Vietnamese call it The Brother the Chinese The Friend what? Bamboo

67 What is a male camel called? Bull

68 Douglas Adams said what is the best spacecraft propellant? Bad News – it travels the fastest

69 William Tell was the best crossbow archer and what else? Boatman

70 In what country did tulips originate? Persia

71 What is specifically defined as 1/48th of an inch? A Hairsbreadth

72 Church bells of Maralnello Ring Sundays Public Hols and when? Ferrari team win

73 Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms bans what word in adds? Refreshing

74 Name the first British film studio set up in the 1930s? Pinewood Studios

75 In Hill Street Blues which character used to bite people? Animal – Mick

76 Where would you find a Dry Bible? Heart chamber of a ruminant

77 Quidnunc means an eager gossip but in Latin literally means? What Now

78 In the proverb Heaven protects children sailors and who? Drunken men

79 Poenosis is what medical condition? Chilblains

80 Who in 1958 was the first British Formula one champion? Mike Hawthorne

81 Carom is a form of what sport / game? Billiards

82 What Disney film features the song “Give a little Whistle”? Pinocchio

83 What was on the B side of the Beatles 1968 “Hey Jude”? Revolution

84 What country invented cheesecake? Greece

85 Gone to Texas by Forest Carter is the basis for what film? The Outlaw Josey Wales

86 Which mammal has the fewest teeth? Armadillo – none

87 In WW2 Air corps non flying members given what nickname? Kiwis – Non Flying

88 Collective nouns – what’s a group of photographers called? A Click

89 What event in the Bible occurred at Bethany? Raising of Lazarus

90 On a prescription what does QOD stand for? Take every other day

91 Thomas and Martha were the parents of which hero? Batman

92 In Greek mythology Clio was the muse of what? History

93 An IVP is used to detect what medical condition? Kidney Stones Intravenuspylorigram

94 Don Quixote was the man of La Mancha what’s it in English? The Stain

95 Who was the first woman to win an Academy Award? Janet Gaynor 1929

96 Where do they speak Malagasy? Madagascar

97 What is a mud puppy? American Salamander

98 You can ski on the piste but what other sport uses the term? Fencing where the fight happens

99 Name Clint Eastwoods first film made in 1955? Francis in the Navy (1955)

100 What is the main flavouring in a Greek Tzataili sauce? Garlic

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1 Globe Arizona it’s illegal to play cards in the street with who? American Indian

2 What is the most common mammal in the UK? Brown Rat

3 Name the second most commonly spoken language in Australia? Italian

4 Which athletic event requires five judges? Triple Jump

5 Victoria is the only Australian state without what? Letter S in name

6 What TV show was set in Wentworth Detention Centre? Prisoner Cell Block H

7 In the rhyme about magpies what do 5 represent? Silver

8 Who voiced Mr Spock in the cartoon version of Star Trek? Leonard Nimoy

9 Europhobia is the fear of what? Female Genitals

10 In Maryland it’s illegal play what Randy Newman song on radio? Short People

11 In Greek mythology who was the first woman? Pandora

12 Which timepiece has the most moving parts? Egg timer

13 What is the official language of Egypt? Arabic

14 Which literary character lives at 4 Privet Road? Harry Potter

15 Rio’s Maracarria stadium has what unusual feature? A Moat

16 What natural phenomenon can never be seen at noon? Rainbow – sun must be 40 deg or less

17 Elizabethan England rich people carried their own folding what? Spoons to Banquets

18 In ancient China what was hung outside a bad doctors house? Lantern for each dead patient

19 In the Balanta tribe women stayed married until what happened? Wedding dress wore out

20 In Massachusetts it’s illegal to wear what without a licence? Goatee

21 Suzy was a star of a 60s TV show what character did she play? Flipper the dolphin

22 The average child wears out 730 by age ten 730 what? Crayons

23 In a survey what food did Americans say they hated most? Tofu

24 What vegetable was Emperor Nero’s favourite? The Leek

25 What nation invented the toilet seat? Egyptian

26 Virginia Woolf always did it standing up – did what? Wrote her books

27 Mount Teide is the highest mountain in which country? Spain it’s on Tenerife

28 In what film did the character Regan McNeil appear? The Exorcist

29 Who rejected the 1964 Nobel prize for literature? Jean Paul Sarte

30 In Alaska it’s legal to shoot bears but illegal to do what? Wake up for photo

31 George Jung of Los Angeles in 1916 invented what? Fortune Cookies

32 John Paul Getty, world’s richest man had what in his house? A Payphone

33 What was unusual about the drawings of artist Cesar Ducornet? Drawn with feet he had no arms

34 Who was the only English King crowned on the battlefield? Henry VII

35 In 1901 Dr Dausand demonstrated what that never caught on? Silent Cinema for the blind

36 In some areas of Paris what is provided for dogs? Private flush toilets

37 What countries brides get the most diamond engagement rings? Canada

38 What area in the US translates from the Dutch as Broken Valley? Brooklyn

39 In ancient Egypt men and women did what opposite to today? Peeing – men sat women stood

40 In Youngstown Ohio it’s illegal to run out of what? Gas or petrol

41 Who links a western gambler and a private eye? James Garner Maverick Rockfort

42 How did Bunito Mussolini ward off the evil eye? Touch his testicles

43 Both sexes get them but men more often – get what? Hiccups

44 Who would use an orange stick? Manicurist

45 Jacob German in 1899 got the worlds first what in New York? Speeding Ticket 12 mph

46 Mary Somerville said “It wont last, a flash in the pan” what? Television

47 China 300 bc you could not speak to the Emperor without what? Clove in your mouth

48 In what US city do they watch the most TV evangelists per cap? Washington DC

49 Egyptian embalmers replaced the bodies eyes with what? Onions

50 According to a 1997 survey what nation are the best kissers? Italian

51 In South Dakota it’s illegal to fall down and sleep where? Cheese Factory

52 Who was the last living person on a US postal stamp? Nobody it’s illegal

53 What is the main ingredient in a Navarin stew? Mutton or Lamb

54 What elements name comes from the Greek word for violet? Iodine

55 VH is the international aircraft registration for which country? Australia

56 Phyllophobia is the fear of what? Leaves

57 What is a cachalot? A Sperm Whale

58 What would the ancient Greeks do with an Apodesm? Wear it type of bra

59 What is an onychophagist? A nail biter

60 In Auburn Washington men can get five years for doing what? Deflowering Virgins

61 Where in Canada is its Dildo? Newfoundland Town

62 Topo in Italian Fare in Turkish what in English? Mouse

63 Who did Babe the pig work for? Farmer Hoggett

64 What sexually arouses a Jactitator? Bragging about sex

65 Nebkheperura was his first name what do we call him today? Tutankamen

66 What creature gets its name from the Greek word for womb? Dolphin from Delphis

67 In 1885 Canada sold what to US for $150000? Niagara Falls

68 By what more common name do we know Major Boothroyd? Q in the Bond films

69 Woman’s are faster than men’s, they usually have more – what? Heartbeats

70 In Illinois you can get three years for eavesdropping on who? Your own conversation

71 What modern word comes from the Latin Dilatare – open wide? Dildo

72 West Indian cricketer Laurence Rowe gave up 1976 mid test why? Allergic to Grass

73 What do the EPPY awards honour? Electronic editions of newspapers

74 The electric light first available product what’s second? Electric Oven

75 What’s the only city today split in two by a wall? Nicosia Cyprus

76 What’s the only movie Alfred Hitchcock make twice? The man who knew too much

77 What is the Latin word for poison? Virus

78 Orienteering began in which country? Sweden

79 What would you expect in a Japanese No Pan Kissa restaurant? Mirror floor knickerless women

80 In Massachusetts what’s illegal unless bedroom window locked? Snoring

81 The Emperors cup is awarded in what sport? Sumo wrestling

82 What famous film maker was first to use the close up? David Wark Griffith Birth of a Nation

83 Chinese cooking what’s special about Wolfs hearts Dogs lungs? Only things not used

84 The 1961 Mercedes 300sx had two firsts name either? Gull Wing doors – fuel injection

85 Who wrote the official biography of Lester Piggott? Dick Francis

86 What hotel has been the target of the most take over bids? The Ritz – Paris

87 In Russia the national product is called Soldatsky what is it? Bread

88 In airline slang what is a 365? Eggs Bacon served any day or time

89 In what case did Perry Mason make his first appearance? The case of the Velvet Claws

90 By law who require a cert. of health before entering Kentucky? Bees must have one

91 Romans used a sharp pointed stick to drive cattle Modern word? Stimulus

92 Chokan Moyogi Shakan Han Kengai and Kengai styles of what? Bonsai – styles

93 Albert Sauvy coined what term in the 1950s? The Third World

94 What trio were originally called The Rattlesnakes? The Bee Gees

95 The Fields Medal is equal to a Nobel prize in what area? Mathematics

96 Novices are called tumblers experienced shiners what job? Window Cleaners

97 What is the Hebrew word for adversary? Satan

98 What is the capitol of Venezuela? Caracas

99 What was unusual about Joe Davis the World Snooker Champ? Blind in one eye

100 What’s round in London and Paris but Square in New York? Underground / metro / tube tunnels

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1 The Windmills of your Mind was a theme song in what film? The Thomas Crown Affair

2 Astronauts cannot do what in space? Cry – no gravity for tears to flow

3 Admiral Horatio Nelson suffered from what common condition? Seasickness

4 On common ailments Charles Osborne had what for 69 years? Hiccups

5 February 1865 only month ever not to have what? Full Moon

6 What was the shoulder patch US Army 45th in WW2? Swastika

7 What was first used at the 1904 St Louis Olympic games? Gold medals silver was first before

8 Where is The Popliteal Fossa? Back of Knee

9 Texas prisons have banned death row prisoners last what? Cigarette – bad for their health

10 Ward Green wrote the story for which famous film? Lady and the Tramp

11 Kinpaku-iri sake contains what unusual ingredient? Flakes of gold

12 Down, husk, trace, trip all collective nouns what creature? Hares

13 5 African Mediterranean countries share what language? Arabic

14 Which of King Arthur’s knights survived his last battle? Sir Bedavere

15 What can be Safety, Tableaux or Swag? Curtains in theatre

16 Name 18th Century playwrite of The Rivals, School for Scandal? Richard Brindsley Sheridan

17 Of what are Raucous, Spadefoot or Bounties Dwarf types? Toads

18 What links The Friend, The Tablet and The Universe? Religious publications

19 Wool sorters disease is actually what? Anthrax

20 What Disney animated feature was the first with end credits? Alice in Wonderland

21 In 1939 which countries invaded Poland? Germany – Russia

22 Name Stanley Kubrick’s last film as director before his death? Eyes Wide Shut

23 Taal is an alternative name for what language? Afrikaans

24 What is the French phrase that means already seen? Déjà vu

25 Turks head, Granny and Bowline are types of what? Knot

26 What character first appeared in the film The Wise Little Hen? Donald Duck

27 And who was his original voice? Clarence Nash

28 Martina Hinges represents what country at tennis? Switzerland

29 In food labelling what does GM mean? Genetically Modified

30 Derived from Greek what does alias literally mean? Otherwise

31 Russian blue and Turkish brown are types of what? Cats

32 What impressionist painted different views Rouen cathedral? Claude Monet

33 In what Indian city is the Taj Mahal located? Agra

34 Horses are Equine from the Greek Equus what’s it mean? Quickness

35 Since 1991 Crufts London dog show has been held where? Birmingham NEC

36 1979 at Clifton suspension bridge Britain’s first what happened? Bungee Jump

37 Jodie Foster and Barbara Harris appeared in which Disney film? Freaky Friday

38 Tudor England mans apron shows job white cook what checked? Barber

39 Jane Taylor 1783 1824 wrote what famous verse? Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star

40 In Astrology Aquarians are ruled by what planet? Uranus

41 Parathesia is a medical condition with what common term? Pins and Needles

42 What would you be watching if you saw a round or waggledance? Honey Bees

43 J D Sallenger wrote Catcher in the Rye what’s the J D stand for? Jerome David

44 Collective nouns a group of geldings is called what? A Brace

45 Apart from a compass what is always found in a ships binnacle? Magnets

46 Zipporah was the wife of who in the Bible? Moses

47 Elizabethan women had three what modest, rascal and secret? Petticoats worn modest outside

48 Marcellite Garner was the first voice for what Disney character? Minnie Mouse

49 Ancient Aztecs of Mexico used a rabbit scale to measure what? Drunkenness few to 400

50 The highest USA rank killed WW2 Lt General who killed him? US Army Air Corps

51 In Indiana it’s illegal for liquor stores to sell what? Cold milk/soft drinks warm ok

52 Camille Pizarro the impressionist was born in which country? West Indies

53 William Kemmlar in 1890 was the worlds first what? Executed by electric chair

54 Mandoura Greece Zampogna Italy Corenmuse France what is it? Bagpipes

55 What country awards the Nobel peace prize? Norway

56 Who is Harry Potters main enemy? Lord Voldemort

57 Product name from the words Durability Reliability Excellence? Durex condoms

58 What sport appears in the phonetic alphabet? Golf

59 What colour is the number 10 on 10 Downing street? White

60 Where in your body is the labyrinth? Ear

61 Traditional French blend fines herbes parsley chives chervil? Tarragon

62 The dinosaur apatosaurus used to be called what? Brontosaurus

63 The rover the last is red the rest are white in what sport? Croquet hoops

64 What Disney film was released on December 21st 1960? Swiss Family Robinson

65 Mythological beasts name comes from the Greek chimney man? Salamander

66 Allergic Rhinitis has what more common term? Hay Fever

67 Who plays Ali McBeal? Callista Flockhart

68 What sort of ship was the Marie Celeste? Brigantine

69 What philosopher stated “Hell is other people”? Jean Paul Sarte

70 Ecophobia is a fear of what? Home

71 What was the first Bond film not to be titled from a Bond book? Licence to Kill

72 Collective nouns a bask of what creatures? Crocodiles

73 What Olympic event was dropped in 1920? Tug of War -1900 to 1920

74 Where is the TV space alien ALF from? Melmac

75 66% of Americans reading on the toilet read what? Readers Digest

76 Women do it 4 times more often than men – do what? Shoplift

77 Louis Washkansky was the first to do what in 1967? Get a heart transplant lived 18 days

78 What is a gharial? Fish eating Nile Crocodile

79 What did Scott find at the North Pole? Nothing – he never went there

80 The flowers of the curry plant are what colour? Yellow

81 What did Paceard and Balmat conquer in 1786? Mont Blanc

82 In Kiplings Jungle Book Mang was what type of creature? Bat

83 Collective nouns an erst of what creatures? Bees

84 What Bond film was entitled The Dead Slave in Japan? Live and let Die

85 No US president has ever been what? An only child

86 Al Borak was a flying horse owned by whom? Mohammed

87 What links Pacer Burton, Chad Gates, Walter Gulik? Elvis film characters

88 What Disney character was voiced by Pinto Colvig? Sleepy

89 What boxer was nicknamed The Ambling Alp? Primo Carnera

90 The Witches Curse alternative name which G&S operetta? Ruddigore

91 Where was the original Crystal Palace built? Hyde Park in London

92 What is a spoodle? Kitchen instrument spoon ladle cross

93 In Kiplings Jungle Book Ikki was what type of creature? Porcupine

94 What animal is responsible for most deaths in the USA annually? Dogs

95 What was Hitchcock’s last film made in 1976? The Family Plot

96 In the sport of archery what are the arrows usually made from? Aluminium tubes

97 Greeks Romans regarded what herb as symbol immortality? Tansy

98 Who was the first male to appear on the cover of Playboy? Peter Sellers

99 In Welsh Cwrw pronounced koo roo is what? Beer

100 What sank German submarine U120 in WW2? Broken toilet

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1 Bulls Blood wine comes from which country? Hungary

2 The North and South Islands of New Zealand separated by what? Cook Strait

3 In what Dickens novel is there a case of spontaneous combustion? Bleak House

4 In the game Tomb Raider what’s Lara Crofts profession? Archaeologist

5 In 1979 who sang about Walking on the Moon? Police

6 What links tulip balloon and flute? Types of glasses

7 What is the currency of Egypt? The Pound

8 Martina Navratilova won most doubles with which partner? Pam Shriver

9 Names Cook Baker obvious what did a Chandler do? Make Candles

10 Rod Taylor starred in a 1960 version of which HG Wells story? The Time Machine

11 Liam Devlin often appears in novels by which author? Jack Higgins

12 Name the Duke of Wellingtons horse at Waterloo? Copenhagen

13 There are 72 scenes on what famous article? Bayeaux Tapestry

14 Chinese bean sprouts are usually the sprouts of which bean? Mung bean

15 Locomotive 4472 is better known by what name? Flying Scotsman

16 At Prince Charles’s wedding who was the best man? Nobody brothers were supporters

17 Which famous ship had a total crew numbering 430? Star ship Enterprise Captain Kirks

18 What takes place in Happy Valley Hong Kong? Horse racing

19 Imperial Airways in 1925 was the first to do what? Show an in flight movie

20 And what was that movie? Conan Doyle’s The Lost World

21 Where is the grave of Oscar Schindler? Jerusalem

22 Which magazine uses the winged horse Pegasus as it’s logo? Readers Digest

23 Which English King was crowned on Christmas day? William the Conqueror in 1066

24 In traditional wedding anniversaries what’s given on the eighth? Bronze

25 Collective nouns – a sneak of what animals? Weasels

26 Which country grows the most sugar? Brazil

27 Who would use a technique called pleaching? Gardener twine branches to hedge

28 Glycyrrhiza Glabra is better known as what? Liquorice

29 A kamikaze shooter contains Vodka Triple sec and what? Lime juice

30 If you saw a hummock off your port bow what are you looking at? Ice broken from berg

31 Name Alfred Hitchcock’s first sound film as director? Blackmail

32 Chernoble is in which Russian province? Ukraine

33 Who does Adrian Mole lust after? Pandora

34 Where did the philosopher Plato teach? Academia

35 The Moluccas are better known as where? Spice Islands

36 What used to be called (in Europe) Arabian wine? Coffee

37 Who was killed in The Little Bastard? James Dean – his cars nickname

38 What character did Disney add to Winnie the Pooh not in books? Gopher

39 Heinrich the lion founded what city? Munich

40 J H Robertson invented what? Automatic Gearbox

41 Name bar John Wilkes Booth got pissed in before killing Lincoln? Star Saloon

42 In Prokoviev’s Peter and the Wolf what instrument is the wolf? Horn

43 Garlic and Chives belong to which plant family? Lilly

44 There are two general types of skiing Alpine and what? Nordic

45 Adolf Dasler created which company? Adidas

46 Cents in a Dollar Pennies in a Pound what in a French Franc? Centimes

47 What is extracted from the ore cinnabar? Mercury

48 Hugh Lofting created which fictional character? Dr Dolittle

49 In what city is the Uffizi art gallery? Florence

50 Orient Express restarted in 1982 going from London to where? Venice

51 Collective nouns – a romp of what animals? Otters

52 Which King was the intended target of the Gunpowder plot? James 1st

53 BB King gave his guitar what nickname? Lucile

54 The town of Banana in Queensland is named after what? A huge bullock

55 In traditional wedding anniversaries whats given on the seventh? Wool

56 In what country was the espresso machine invented in 1822? France

57 Who wrote Candide? Voltaire

58 What type of wine was Napoleons favourite? Burgundy Chambertin

59 The average person has 1460 what each year? Dreams

60 Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1972? Nobody

61 Name Santa Clauses (St Nicholas) French brother? Bells Nichols

62 Name the largest Mediterranean island? Sicily

63 Bambi was the first Disney film without what? Human characters

64 Highway 9 is the official name of what thoroughfare? Broadway New York

65 Film character played by 4 people head body voice breathing? Darth Vader

66 Mizaru Mikazaru and Mazaru are better known as who? Three Monkeys

67 A weavers knot is known by seamen as a common what? Sheet Bend

68 By law every Swiss citizen must have access to what? Personal bomb shelter

69 Who played the alien in Predator jumping and climbing scenes? Jean-Claude Van Damme

70 Clark Gable used to do it 4 or more times each day – do what? Shower

71 Who in US was given Hitler’s Supreme Order of German Eagle? Henry Ford

72 It’s illegal in USA for any citizens to have contact with who? Extraterrestrials or their vehicles

73 In Madagascar its illegal for pregnant women to do what? Wear Hats or Eat eels

74 After English what’s the most widely used language on the net? German

75 Two thirds of the worlds geysers are found where? Yellowstone Park

76 What town and stream in West Australia same name pop group? Abba River

77 Which European airport has the international code LIS? Lisbon

78 AMSTRAD companies name comes from what i.e. what mean? Alan Michael Sugar Trading

79 Where were the worlds first paved streets? Rome 170 bc

80 What kills 100000 Americans each year? Reactions to meds

81 The word Angel derives from the Greek meaning what? Messenger

82 What profession has four times the average aids in USA? Catholic Priests

83 Venus is the only planet that does what? Rotates Clockwise

84 On average what weight nine pounds? Cremated Ashes

85 Name the first film to have its sequel released in same year? King Kong – Son of Kong

86 There is approximately one what for each person in the world? Chicken

87 What is Europe’s largest port? Rotterdam

88 Craven Walker invented what 60s fashionable icon? Lava lamp

89 In Missouri it’s illegal for anyone to do what on Sunday? Play Hopscotch

90 In 1973 Roland Ohisson was buried in a coffin made of what? Chocolate

91 Where can you see the sun rise Pacific set Atlantic? Panama on Isthmus

92 Name the first cartoon character made into a parade balloon? Felix the Cat

93 What’s unusual about the moons of Uranus? Named Shakespeare characters

94 What common word comes from two Greek art/craft area study? Technology tekhne logia

95 In 1925 two men first drove round Australia in what make of car? Citroen 2 seater

96 T H White wrote the book for which Disney animated feature? Sword in the Stone

97 Egypt Masbout – Armenia Sourg – Japan Koohii what is it? Coffee

98 Marie Tussaud was born in what country? Switzerland

99 In traditional wedding anniversaries what is given on the 14th? Ivory

100 Collective nouns – a giggle of what animals? Hyenas

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1 In Texas it’s illegal for what profession to be communists? Pharmacists

2 The Black Death came to England from what port? Calais

3 Which coin weighs exactly one Troy ounce? Krugerrand

4 The Perils of Penelope and Dastardly and Mutley spin offs what? Wacky Races

5 The Mantu and Heath tests check for what infectious disease? Tuberculosis

6 Which US state has a buffalo or bison on its flag? Wyoming

7 What would you do with a nan prick in Thailand? Eat it – It’s a hot sauce

8 In 1895 the world’s first disposable item made – what was it? Razor Blade King Camp Gillette

9 In Odessa Texas Star of David and Peace symbol are what? Banned satanic symbols

10 Porn star Candida Royale was named after what? A vaginal yeast infection

11 The Brownies ( junior Girl Guides) used to be named what? The Rosebuds

12 Brass is an alloy of copper and what? Zinc

13 R D Blackmore wrote which classic novel? Lorna Doone

14 In what country was Greenpeace founded in 1971? Canada

15 In squash what colour dot indicates the slowest ball used? Yellow

16 A statue of Lady Godiva stands in the centre which English city? Coventry

17 Eddie Irvine contracted to drive for which car company in 2001? Jaguar

18 The Bazuki is a traditional musical instrument of what country? Greece

19 The word athletics comes from the Greek athlos meaning what? Contest

20 Aphallatosis is a mental disorder caused by the lack of what? Sex life

21 Jeri Ryan plays what character in the Star Trek series? Seven of nine in Voyager

22 In 1925 the worlds first what opened Luis Obispo California? Motel – Called Motel Inn

23 Norma Talmage in 1927 made the first – the first what? Footprints concrete Grumman theatre

24 According 1890s doctors women eat mustard vinegar do what? Masturbate too much

25 What countries language is Magyar? Hungary

26 Where is your zygomatic bone? Cheek

27 What item used in offices was voted the product of the century? The Paperclip

28 What is named after Dr Ernest Grafenberg? The G spot

29 The horned dinosaur Torosaurus had the biggest what on land? Head – Skull nine feet long

30 US IRS manual gives the plan for collecting taxes after what? Nuclear War

31 Where was the worlds first supermarket built (country)? France

32 Bubba is Yiddish for what? Grandma

33 In the USA where would you see a crossbuck? X sign on railroad crossing

34 Los Pedernales is a Spanish translation what TV show? The Flintstones

35 Palas is the correct name for what playing card? Queen of spades

36 According to Hite report masturbating women like to use what? Candles

37 Collective nouns – a spring of what? Pheasants

38 Cous-cous is Iranian for what? Vagina

39 Brings your ancestors back to life – translated advert for what? Come alive with Pepsi – in China

40 A doromaniac had a compulsion to do what? Give gifts

41 Skokie Illinois St Paul Minnesota what official instrument? Accordion

42 A temple in Sri-Lanka is dedicated to what? Buddha’s tooth

43 Church law once mandated death for believing in what? A vacuum

44 The Phoenician symbol for mouth is now what letter of alphabet? P theirs was Pe

45 What US city buys the most blond hair dye? Dallas Texas

46 Name two self cleaning organs? Eye Vagina

47 What cities gothic cathedral started 1386 was completed 1805? Milan

48 Who wrote the series of Palisair novels? Anthony Trollop

49 Alcoholics get the DTs what does it stand for? Delirium Tremens

50 Flying fish is the national dish of which country? Barbados

51 Dr Susan Lark recommend what cure for menstrual cramps? Orgasm increased blood flow helps

52 Bunc was the first name for what product? Coffee

53 200 years ago all white people knew what were deadly poison? Tomatoes

54 In East Anglia England what put in house walls to ward off evil? Mummified Cats

55 The Greek word meaning The writings of prostitutes now what? Pornography

56 According to the ancient Chinese what cures headaches? Swinging your arms

57 In 1904 May Sutton Brandy was the first US woman to do what? Win Wimbledon singles

58 All American umpires wear what? Black underwear

59 Texans consume 40% of farm grown what in the USA? Catfish

60 Most of these animals are bisexual – what animal? Giraffe

61 People answered the first telephones by saying what? Ahoy there

62 St Boniface is the Saint of what? Sodomy

63 Frass is the correct word for what? Insect faces – bug shit

64 What is the fastest growing religion in Ireland? Buddhism

65 One person in Texas is killed annually doing what? Painting road lines

66 Bob Dylan said you should never trust anyone what? Over 30

67 Rocket USA is going to produce a wind up doll what figure 2002? Homer Simpson

68 What body of water separates Australia and Papua New Guinea? Torres Strait

69 George Washington Thomas Jefferson Sam Adams all did what? Brewed own beer

70 In California more what are raised than in any other state? Turkeys

71 Hebrew comes from a Babylonian word meaning what? Vagrant

72 Ejaculation comes from the Latin meaning what? Throwing Out

73 A cat is feline but what’s leporine? Rabbit

74 In some religions mistletoe represents God’s what? Testicles – balls to you

75 Patricia McCormick became USA first what January 20th 1957? Bullfighter Ciudad Juarez Mexico

76 1894 Orville Gibson started worlds oldest company make what? Electric Guitars

77 What country has the lowest teen pregnancy rate Western world? Netherlands

78 What shop outnumbers MacDonald’s 3 to 1 in the USA? Adult Bookshops

79 Corie Ten Boom was the first licensed female what in Holland? Watchmaker

80 The first what was installed in Antarctica in 1997? ATM cash point machine

81 In 1897 who were the first baseball team introduce a ladies day? Washington Senators

82 The President of Gabon banned the use of what word in country? Pygmy

83 Which domesticated pet animal is never mentioned in the Bible? Cats

84 50 years ago Texas giving advice on what was prison sentence? Birth Control

85 What activity burns up 140 calories per hour? Standing

86 There are over 32000 known species of what in the world? Spiders

87 May 21st 1881 Clara Barton founded what? American Red Cross

88 If a dog is canine what is cirvine? Deer

89 Pliny the philosopher believed dead souls went into what? Beans

90 An arenaceous plant grown in what type of soil? Sandy

91 Who wrote the book The Complete Angler in 1653? Isaac Walton

92 Back Blanket and Button Hole types of what? Stitches

93 There are over 1000 recognised slang words for what? Vagina

94 What USA state drinks the most beer? California

95 Who or what was “strong to the finish”? Popeye – cos he eats his spinach

96 For $150 you can become a licensed what in Texas? Dead animal hunter

97 In 1917 Lucy Slowe was the first US what? Black tennis champion

98 The Aetherius Society believes who is alive and living on Venus? Jesus Christ

99 China Sun-Fin-Chin, Russia bayan, Norway trekspill what is it? Accordion

100 What animal’s penis is four feet long when erect? Giraffe

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1 In Bexley Ohio its illegal to put what in an outhouse? Slot Machines

2 Well known phrase Mad as a Hatter – but what made them mad? Mercury Poisoning

3 Pluto Greek god of the underworld – what was Plutus god of? Wealth

4 Victoria was not Queen Victoria’s first name – what was? Alexandrina

5 Indoors 6 players a side outdoors numbers vary what sport? Volleyball

6 Scapegoat meaning blame taker comes from what religion? Jewish Yom Kippur

7 What is the correct name for a dandelion seed ball? A Clock

8 Dianne Fossy the naturalist is famed working with what animals? Gorillas

9 In musical notation there are five lines in a what? Stave

10 Silverwood Michigan its illegal to kill what using your hands? A Bear to impress a girl

11 What is the correct name for the flower the Michaelmass Daisy? Aster

12 Round, flat, filbert or sword types / shapes of what tool? Paintbrush

13 Who wrote the novel The Seventh Scroll? Wilber Smith

14 The song Mack the Knife comes from what stage show? Threepenny Opera

15 Johnny Rotten describe sex as five minutes of what? Squelching

16 An Arizona prostitutes organisation is called TWATS meaning? Tucson Whores and Tricks

17 An elephants penis is shaped like what? Letter S

18 Where the worlds first air raid in 1849 from hot air balloons? Venice

19 What is a Rocky mountain canary? A Donkey

20 In Haifa Israel its illegal to take what to the beach? A Bear

21 In medicine what is nicknamed a blue pipe? A Vein

22 What did Farters collect? Pigs – its an old English word

23 Psychologists say men who prefer small breasts what mentally? Depressed

24 What country had the first banknotes? Sweden China paper money not banknotes

25 A Blue Tits breast is what colour? Yellow

26 What sport was called The Royal Sport? Cock Fighting

27 What British author was offered £250000 to write book of ET? Jeffrey Archer

28 If you were given a French Gobelin what would you have had? A Tapestry

29 What cities underground has the most stations? New York

30 Lang Kansas illegal ride a donkey in public unless it has what? A Straw hat on

31 What creature make the loudest noise – 188 decibels? Blue Whale

32 What gets nine inches longer when its up? Concord by heat expansion

33 What was Lady Chatterlys first name? Constance

34 Enid Blyton character name changed to white beard for Politicaly Correct USA? Big Ears

35 Mans formal dress coat called tails is named after what bird? Swallow

36 Christine Jorgensen in 1952 was the worlds first what? Sex Change Operation

37 Name the first chocolate bar created by Forest Mars in 1923? Milky Way

38 In the poem who dug cock robins grave? Owl with his trowel

39 In what athletic event is it illegal to carry weights? Long Jump

40 In Arkansas a man can only do what legally once a month? Beat his wife

41 The fish eating bulldog is what type of creature? A Bat

42 What has been called The most unnatural of all perversions? Celibacy

43 What are the most commonly ordered item from sex catalogues? Novelty Condoms

44 What creature will only mate if the females mouth is full? Spiders

45 Knickerbockers used to be the residents of where? New York

46 What is the name for a chicken less than one year old? A Pullet

47 British playwright wrote the screenplay for The French Lt Woman? Harold Pinter

48 What explorer wrote the history of the word in prison in 1600s? Sir Walter Raleigh

49 British king was known to family friends as David his last name? King Edward the 8th

50 At the Alamo its illegal to drop what nut shells on the ground? Pecan        

51 In Brookings South Dakota its illegal for a cat to live where? In a dogs house if dogs there

52 What police resource was first used in the Jack the Ripper case? Bloodhounds

53 The Algarve is in what country? Portugal

54 The term red herring comes from what activity? Foxhunting

55 The Egyptian god Horus had the head of what creature? Falcon

56 In 1964 who was the first non royal to appear on a UK stamp? William Shakespeare

57 Name the Hong Kong stock exchange? Hang Seng

58 In what city was Mozart born? Saltzberg

59 Margaret Thatcher day is 10th January in what area? Falklands Islands

60 Buckroe Beach Virginia illegal put what in someone’s swimsuit? A Dead Fish

61 What is a bandy bandy? A Snake

62 What did Brian Epstein manage before the Beatles? A Record Shop

63 What was Bogart’s full characters name in Casablanca? Rick Blain

64 What fruit is used to flavour Southern Comfort? Peach

65 What 70s pop group was originally called The Engaged Couples? Abba

66 St Snithney is the patron saint of what? Mad Dogs

67 What would you do with a soft cock? Wear it – it’s a wig

68 What is Warren Beatty’s first name? Henry

69 What is the fastest creature raced for sport? Pigeon

70 Jones Chapel Alabama illegal guy take gal where till 4th date? Horseback Riding

71 What is a Cattalo? Buffalo and cow cross

72 US Pres mom said Looking at my children wish I’d stayed virgin? Jimmy Carter

73 Name Lancashire town first test tube baby born? Oldham

74 The New Testament originally written in what language? Greek

75 What would you do with a Romeo’s Rouser? Drink it – its a real ale

76 Where did Cajun music originate? Louisiana

77 1727 Helen Morris put in asylum for putting what in a newspaper? Lonely Hearts Advert

78 Grolsch lager comes from what country? Holland

79 Who wrote the Savoy Operas? Gilbert and Sullivan

80 In Okalahoma City its illegal for a prisoner to wear what? Pink Bikini Underwear

81 Steven the 1st founded what country in 1000 ad? Hungary

82 What was originally called Eskimo Pie? Chocolate Ices

83 Cab is a shortened version of what word? Cabriolet

84 If silence is golden what is silver? Speech

85 What queen banned mirrors as she got older? Elizabeth 1st

86 Starts with F ends with K if you cant get one you use your hand? Fork

87 What is the main ingredient of an edible faggot? Liver

88 What is the only Christian country in Asia? The Philippines

89 In Christian myth man was created from dust what in Islam? Clots of Blood

90 In Bristol Rhode Island its illegal to smoke during what event? Public Hanging in the town square

91 13th century Paris brothels were the first to have what? Red Lights

92 In what country did Bridge originate? Turkey

93 A snake has two penises but only one what other organ? Lung

94 Canaan Banana was the first president of where? Zimbabwe

95 What hairs are the last to lose their colour with age? Eyelashes

96 Ignoring obvious what links Venus and Mercury? No Moons

97 In golf what is the penalty for playing with opponents ball? Two strokes added on

98 What insect in Spain is known as La Cucaracha? The Cockroach

99 In what country was Che Guevara born? Argentina

100 In Kansas City its illegal to what with more than 12 potatoes? Juggle with them

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1 In Russia by law the homeless must be where after 10pm? At Home

2 Name the racehorse decapitated in the Godfather? Khartoum

3 In the opera Tosca what was Tosca’s profession? Opera Singer

4 Where will the 2002 Winter Olympics be held? Salt Lake – USA

5 What is the US equivalent of the UK Anglican church? Episcopalian

6 Paper Porter Dresser Mud Dauber types of what? Wasp

7 In the theatre what do the initials FOH stand for? Front of House

8 Name Irelands oldest licensed whiskey distillery? Bushmills

9 Name the capitol of Libya? Tripoli

10 In New Jersey 1879 stopping a constable doing what $25 fine? Catching a runaway goat

11 What links Mozart’s Don Giovanni and Bizet’s Carmen location? Set in Seville in Spain

12 West End Girls was the debut hit for what pop duo in the 80s? Pet shop boys

13 Who sculpted the four lions in Trafalgar Square? Sir Edwin Landseer

14 In what modern country is mount Ararat? Turkey

15 Walter Gropius founded what art / design movement? Bauerhus in Germany

16 Elizabeth Bennett is the central character in what novel? Pride and Prejudice

17 What are Ingrid Marie and Blushing Golden? Varieties of Apple

18 Edward Ricardo Braithwait wrote what novel? To Sir with Love

19 Who was the court portrait painter of Henry the Eighth? Hans Holbein

20 In Massachusetts by law bars cannot offer what? Happy hours

21 In 1887 who solved his first case? Sherlock Holmes

22 In the 19th century what was known as inheritance powder? Arsenic as a poison

23 What did model manufacturers Airfix first make? Plastic Combs

24 In what TV series did we meet Admiral Nelson? Voyage to the bottom of the sea

25 How would you feel if you were forswanked? It means very tired

26 What kind of wood is used on Rolls Royce dashboards? Walnut

27 In the rhyme who married The Owl and the Pussycat? The Turkey

28 Which US actor woke up when a elephant crapped on his head? William Shatner

29 In Cornwall where would you find two legged knockers? Tin Mines goblins

30 North Carolina $50 fine having what furniture on front porch? Upholstered

31 What would you do with a blue willie? Raise it – it’s a flag

32 USSR saying No ugly women in world just shortage of what? Vodka

33 What two things are used to stuff a welshman? Cheese Leek pastie

34 In Old England what would you do with your titties? Its an old word for Sisters

35 What creature has seven penises assorted shapes sizes? Cockroach

36 What English king was killed with a red hot poker up his arse? Edward 2nd

37 Parachutes were invented for what use? Fire escapes people jump

38 What colour is puke? Dark Green

39 What is the most commonly prosecuted illegal act? Speeding

40 In Florida it’s illegal to molest what? A Trash Can

41 In Old English what kind of person often had a ‘shite’? Gossip – phrase Chit Chat from it

42 If the vestal virgins were caught having sex what punishment? Burried Alive

43 What act do the French call The English Perversion? Whipping Flagellation

44 What cartoon characters first name is Quincy? Mr Magoo

45 In USA by law only 2 paid services limited to one sex – what? Sperm Doner Wet Nurse

46 In the olden days what would you put in a large Bosom? Clothes – it’s a chest

47 What activity is featured in the magazine Winkers World? Tiddlywinks

48 In the Terminator film who was the boy who would be the leader? John Conner mother Sarah

49 Leather Apron was an alternative name for what famous figure? Jack the Ripper

50 In Wisconsin by law you must carry fire insurance on what? A Jet Ski

51 English law males should do it 2 hours week watched by vicar? Archery Practice

52 1836 Mr Gray a gasfitter 10 years penal servitude stealing what? One Rabbit

53 What does a Belly Man do for a living? A Piano Tuner

54 In parts of Siberia wives threw what at men to show wanted sex? Worms or slugs

55 What animal has the most taste buds over 27000? Catfish

56 What is sometimes nicknamed Adams Profession? Gardener

57 Until 1955 in England you needed a licence to take what on road? Lawn Mower

58 Who is known in Argentina as The Filthy Satanic Whore? Madonna

59 In what European country are the villages Vomitville,Fukking? Austria

60 A Illinois law prohibit men from doing what in public? Having an erection

61 According to a survey what people have the most hated job in UK? Double Glazing Salesmen

62 Idi Amin of Uganda excelled at what sport? Rugby

63 In a poll newlyweds spend most time on honeymoon doing what? Arguing or Fighting

64 What profession makes regular use of vibrators? Potters – remove air from clay

65 What was used at Wimbledon for the first time in 1971? Tie Break System

66 What part of the body ages the fastest? The Hands

67 Mr Doberman developed the breed protection at work – what job? Tax Collector

68 Elvis Presley Adolf Hitler Errol Flynn all had what kinky habit? Peeping Toms

69 Apart from drinks what used to be stored in pub cellars? Corpses – cold place

70 In Memphis Tennessee beggars must have what before begging? A $10 begging licence 1996 law

71 How do you catch a Phart? With a net it’s a fish

72 What can be rigid, semi-rigid, or non-rigid? Airships

73 A Capriphiliac has sex with who or what? Goats

74 What was The King of Trains and The Train of Kings? The Orient Express

75 Who used to do naked cartwheels to amuse the English settlers? Pocahontas

76 In brewing what do the initials OG stand for? Original Gravity

77 What sport can take place on sand ice or water? Wind Surfing

78 Florence Nightingale took what cos she was around young men? Bromide

79 The sweetener saccharin is made from what? Coal Tar

80 In Maryland its illegal to frighten who or what? A Pigeon

81 What is the word Taxi short for? Taximeter

82 56% of men cannot tell you the colour of what in their house? Vacuum Cleaner

83 Sportsman are most likely to get diseased anuses / rectum? Water Skiers

84 After death what bit Walter Raleigh did his wife carry around? His Head

85 What kind of person would have had a twat on? A Nun part of habit

86 The character Marion Crane died in what film? Psycho in the shower

87 16th century husband had to stop doing what to wives after 10pm? Beating Them

88 What company was the first to mass produce watches in 1893? Ingersoll – sold $1 each then

89 48 extras from what Oscar win film died within a year making it? Babe – all pigs

90 In Tennessee age of consent is at 16 unless the girl is what? A Virgin then its 12?

91 James Edgar in 1890 was the worlds first store what? Santa Clause

92 What is the correct name for a male red deer? Hart

93 In what country were Trabant cars made? East Germany

94 P L Travers created which famous character? Mary Poppins

95 Olympic athletic event is there no official world record? Marathon same distance diff courses

96 RCA and what other company launched the first vinyl records? Columbia

97 Excluding cars what the most commonly used 4 wheel devices? Supermarket Trolleys

98 Where on a woman is her J spot? Nape of the neck

99 In 17th century if you got Xmas clap what have you been given? A Kiss under Mistletoe

100 Indiana smoking banned in the legislature building except when? Building is open being used

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1 Elkhart Indiana it’s illegal for barber to threaten to do what? Cut off youngsters ears

2 George Bush removed what from the White House menus? Broccoli

3 In 1907 who was first English writer win Nobel prize literature? Rudyard Kipling

4 Name the science fiction writer who lives in Sri Lanka? Arthur C Clark

5 What pop group were dedicated followers of fashion? The Kinks

6 CaCo3 is the chemical formula of what common item? Calcium Carbonate Chalk

7 Name Elvis Presley’s father? Vernon Presley

8 In what novel does Dr Hannibal Lecter first appear? Red Dragon

9 The Ionian islands are nearest what country? Greece

10 In Portsmouth Ohio who does the law rank with vagrants thieves? Baseball Players suspicious chars

11 In WWW terms what does i.e. mean on a domain name? Ireland

12 Seawood’s Folly is better known as what today? Alaska

13 What is a Roastchaffer? A Beetle

14 What Pope started the Inquisition? Gregory 9th

15 Ecuador was named after who / what? The Equator

16 Liza Minelli played what character in Cabaret? Sally Bowles

17 Who wrote the scripts for Hill street Blues? Steven Bochco

18 What European language is unrelated to any other language? Basque

19 In the 70s The Bahamas gained independence from who? Great Britain

20 Kentucky people wearing what on streets get police protection? Bathing Suits

21 In what country did bongo drums originate? Cuba

22 Stewart Goddard changed his name to become what pop hit? Adam Ant

23 What’s the main feature of a Chong Sang skirt? Split up side

24 The Davis Strait lies between Canada and where? Greenland

25 Henri Charrier is better known by what nickname? Papillion The Butterfly

26 What fashion designer is credited with the Bob hairstyle? Mary Quant

27 Melba sauce is made from what fruit? Raspberries

28 Who was with Macbeth when he met the witches? Banquo

29 Children take SATs what does SAT stand for? Standard assessment tasks

30 Winston-Salem N Carolina its illegal under 7 year olds do what? Go to College

31 A lion and a sword appear on what countries flag? Sri Lanka

32 A carbonade is a dish that must contain what? Beer

33 What company owns Rolls Royce motors? Volkswagen

34 What was Oscar Wilde’s only novel? The picture of Dorian Grey

35 What writer lived at hilltop near Hawkshead now museum to her? Beartrix Potter

36 French artist Edward Degas noted for what particular subject? Ballet Dancers

37 Who is the Greek God of the sky and the universe? Uranus

38 Collective nouns – a Dule of what? Doves

39 The pharaoh hound is the only dog that does what? Blushes – Nose and ears redden

40 Blue Earth Minnesota illegal under 12s do what without parent? Talk on Telephone

41 Fallstaff first appears in what Shakespeare play? Henry IV part 1

42 What is a roker? A foot long ruler

43 A vestiphobe is afraid of what? Wearing Clothes

44 In what film would you find The Orgasmitron? Woody Alan’s Sleeper

45 Racing driver James Hunts nickname was Hunt the what? Shunt

46 In 1906 the John Gable Entertainer was the first what? Juke Box

47 In the food industry what is TVP – i.e. what’s it stand for? Textured Vegetable Protein

48 Who wrote the book Coma? Robin Cook

49 What country designed and developed the bayonet? France

50 In Massachusetts its illegal to put what in clam chowder? Tomatoes

51 Collective nouns – A Descent of what creatures? Woodpeckers

52 What’s the words most popular brand of malt whisky? Glenfiddich

53 Prospective Italian grave diggers have to take what test? Exhume – dig up a body

54 Who was the lead singer in Herman’s Hermits? Peter Noone

55 According to Elvis Presley who / what was Little Elvis? His Dick or Penis

56 In US Emergency rooms what toy is often found in rectums? Barbie most common doll up ass

57 What is Calvados? Apple Brandy

58 Who first appeared on TV December 17th 1989? The Simpsons Episode 1 in USA

59 Turf Stone and Hedge are all types of what? Mazes

60 Seattle ordinance says goldfish in bowls must do what in buses? Stay still – not move

61 What animals are likely to die first from global warming? Polar Bears

62 In the film Tommy who played The Acid Queen? Tina Turner

63 What is a goat sucker? A Bird

64 Where would you find the Spanish steps? Rome

65 Five named Beatles on Abbey Road cover J P G R and who? Volkswagen

66 Bennie Hills Ernie fastest milkman in the west – name his horse? Trigger

67 How did Van Gogh dispose of his ear? Gave it to prostitute

68 According to survey what European country has the vainest men? Britain

69 Who would spin a Gob on their nose end? Glassblower

70 In Albany New York what’s it illegal to do in the streets? Play Golf

71 Collective nouns – What are a group of greyhounds called? A Leash

72 Who first played Flash Gordon on film? Buster Crabbe

73 What basic skill is lacking in most Royal Navy entrants? They cannot swim

74 What common word comes from Knights after the Crusades? Freelance

75 What was the most valuable thing ever stolen? The Mona Lisa

76 The Intelligent whale was the nickname of an early what? Submarine

77 What Welsh singer used to work as a condom tester? Shirley Bassey

78 What speed record has remained unbroken since 1938? Steam Train – Mallard

79 The annual Hackademy awards are given for what? Smoking in films

80 Idaho Falls Idaho its illegal for over 88 year olds to do what? Ride a motorcycle

81 Old times mid eastern women swallowed what as contraceptive? Foam from camels mouth

82 Who narrated Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds? Richard Burton

83 What was invented 1963 150 billion made since? Ring Pulls on cans not cans

84 What used to be caught in a fanny trap? Foxes Mid ages fem fox nick fanny

85 What toy was first launched as The Magic Screen? Etch – A – Sketch

86 Originally a Toss Pot did a lot of what? Drinking – Alcohol

87 Amanda by the Sea was a US version of what UK comedy show? Faulty Towers

88 A is Alpha is the international alphabet but A used to be what? Able

89 According to psychologists the happiest people watch what TV? Soap Operas

90 In Tampa Bay Florida its illegal who who/what to leave ships? Rats

91 Men women compete 3 Olympic sports Equestrian Shooting? Yachting

92 If you were Cock Throppling what you be doing? Bending a horses windpipe

93 What animal has the best hearing? Bats

94 In what film did Mary Poppins – Julie Andrews bare her nipples? S.O.B.

95 A Scatologist studies what? Excrement Crap – Shit

96 How was Tristram Shandy (fictional character) circumcised? A Sash window fell on it

97 Men must toss what at least 3 times during Olneys Great Race? A Pancake

98 What have men played with for longer than anything else? Dice

99 Collective nouns – A Down or Husk of what animals? Hares

100 In Urbana Illinois its illegal for who/what to enter the city limits? A Monster

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1 In Montreal you cannot park a car blocking what? Your own driveway

2 What US city hosted the final of the 1994 football world cup? Pasadena

3 Dr David Hessian 2nd Catherine Cookson what type his books? Gardening

4 In Indian cookery what dish literally translates as Red Juice? Rogan Josh

5 Sol Sacs created what classic US TV show of the 60s 70s? Bewitched

6 Who was the first president to be televised? F D Roosevelt Worlds Fair 1939

7 What’s the more common name of the thyroid cartilage? Adams Apple

8 Adolph Hitler had a phobia – what? Claustrophobia

9 How did Karmuala Searlel – an early Tarzan die? Mauled by Elephant

10 In Guelph Ontario a by-law makes what illegal in the city? Peeing A no Pee zone

11 What links Paul and Ringo in the Beatles? Left Handed

12 A Chinese eunuch invented what in the second century? Paper

13 Hannibal had only one what? Eye after Rome attack

14 A mature Japanese sea squirt eats what? It’s own Brain

15 Collective nouns – what’s a group of donkeys? A Herd

16 What bird can see the colour blue? An Owl

17 Construction hard hats were first used on what project in 1933? Hoover Dam

18 In Victoria Australia by law only electricians may do what? Change a lightbulb

19 Rudolf Rasendil is the hero of what novel and film? The Prisoner of Zenda

20 Beijing drivers fined 40 Yuan doing what at pedestrian crossing? Stopping its illegal

21 All US presidents have worn what? Glasses – not in public

22 Holiday resort of Marmaris is in what country? Turkey

23 The White House has 13092 of them – what? Knives forks and spoons

24 Lil’folkes was the original name of what comic strip? Peanuts

25 Where on your body are the most sweat glands? Feet

26 What’s the most popular name for a female pet cat? Samantha

27 Kangaroos and Emus can’t do what? Walk backwards

28 Dan Emmett a northerner wrote which song? Dixie

29 What’s the correct name for a male turkey? Tom

30 In Denmark there is a 20 Kroner fine for not reporting what? Your own or anyone else’s death

31 Pennsylvania was the first colony to legalise what? Witchcraft

32 Ignoring obvious what links Jupiter Neptune Uranus and Saturn? All have Rings

33 Two most commonly sold items in stores are sodas and what? Breakfast Cereals

34 Your eyeballs are 3.5% what? Salt

35 Rafflesia flowers smell like what to attract pollinators? Rotting Meat

36 Where would you find an ideo locator? Map – You are here arrow

37 Why did Ghengis Khans soldier ride female horses? To drink their milk

38 G Roddenbery Star Trek 2 radical ideas Spock’s Ears and what? Woman second in Command

39 What country had three presidents – in the same day? Mexico

40 In England it is specifically illegal to be drunk where? In a pub

41 What mammal has hair – on the soles of its feet? Polar Bear

42 Harvard University was originally called what? Cambridge Harvard gave 400 books

43 There are 300 distinct different types of what food? Honey

44 The are 16 of these on a dollar bill – 16 what? Number One

45 What is the coldest capital city in the world? Ulan Bator Mongolia

46 Janette Rankin in 1917 first to do what? Woman elected to Congress

47 The average person in a lifetime grows 7 foot of what? Nose Hair

48 Hotfoot Teddy was the original name of what icon? Smokey the Bear

49 Victoria Australia law illegal wear pink what after noon Sunday? Pink Hot Pants

50 Collective nouns – a tribe or trip of what? Goats

51 England its illegal for a lady do what on a public conveyance? Eat Chocolates

52 What country has three capital cities Admin Legislate Judicial? South Africa

53 The human bodies got 45 miles of them – what? Nerves

54 The Best or Nothing is the motto of what company? Mercedes-Bentz

55 Johnny Depp is afraid of what? Clowns

56 Samuel Morse the inventor was originally what till he was 46? Portrait Painter

57 What dog has the best eyesight? Greyhound

58 Who cut the US flag to pieces and was honoured for it? Robert Peary left bits at North Pole

59 A Vexilliologist is an expert in what? The history of flags

60 England its illegal for a boy under 10 to see a naked what? Mannequin

61 What is banned by public schools in San Diego? Hypnotism

62 Unusual words – What’s the only word 4 double letters in a row? Bookkeeppers

63 In Tokyo there is a restaurant restricted to who? Dogs

64 The average person does it 17 times a day – what? Laugh

65 What is the most common sexual fantasy act? Oral Sex

66 The Eggplant is part of what family of plants? Thistle

67 What Canadian province has been virtually rat free since 1905? Alberta

68 What ancient languages writing has no spaces between words? Ancient Greek

69 Collective nouns – a group of swans are called what? A Bevy

70 In England placing what upside down is considered treason? A Postage stamp Monarchs head

71 Duffel bags were made in Duffel – what country? Belgium

72 What happened French President Fronsois Faure on dying 1899? Whore contracted so had to cut off penis

73 Born Aug 24 to Sept 23 what star sign? Virgo

74 In Star Trek who would go to Sha Ka Ree? Vulcans it’s heaven

75 What makes Kirminski church in Finland unique? World biggest wooden church

76 January in the USA is National what month? Soup

77 Name the Monkeys only film made in 1969? Head

78 What was French frigate Isere’s most famous cargo? Statue of Liberty

79 56% of men have had sex where? At Work

80 In Scotland its illegal to be drunk in possession of what? A Cow

81 Where does the dollar sign come from? U on S bottom U dropped out $

82 They are only found in Lake Nicaragua – what are? Fresh water sharks

83 The Chinese only do it every 10 years what? Celebrate Birthdays

84 Roschfort was a baddie in what book and (many) film versions? The Three Musketeers

85 James Doohan became famous playing what character? Montgomery Scott

86 Name Popeye’s hungry friend? J Wellington Wimpy

87 Countries name means Place where one struggles with God? Israel

88 November 18th is who’s birthday? Mickey Mouse

89 16th century where the most fashionable place to wear a ribbon? Pomaded grown female pubic hair

90 In Singapore you can be fined 10% of income for not doing what? Flushing public toilet

91 What country is the world leader in Cobalt Mining? Zaire

92 What is the national religion of Scotland? Presbyterianism

93 The average West German does it every seven days – what? Changes washes underwear

94 How did Lavan in Utah get its name? Its Naval backwards middle of Utah

95 What should be done with a used worn out flag? Burned

96 Small country has more 1000 dialects and two official languages? Philippines

97 What was the first daily comic strip in the USA? Mutt and Jeff

98 Review This show suspends all belief it will never work what? Original Star Trek

99 What’s the most popular name for a male pet cat? Tiger

100 In South Korea traffic police must report what? Tourists bribes taken

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1 In SF California by law what is guaranteed to the masses? Sunshine

2 In Star Trek what is the name of Spock’s father? Sarek

3 What company produces Olympia beer? Miller in USA

4 What vegetable is found in the dish chicken divan? Broccoli

5 In what country is the car model the Treka produced? New Zealand

6 Whose slogan was plop plop fizz fizz? Alka Seltzer

7 What actor is the spokesman for the National Rifle Association? Charlton Heston

8 What would you find on Pink Sheets? Bid Asked prices OTC stocks

9 Name the first web browser publicly available? NCSA Mosaic

10 In Kansas the law prohibits shooting rabbits from where? A Motorboat

11 In MASH who planted the vegetable garden? Father Mulcahy

12 Dragon Stout is brewed in what city / country? Kingston Jamaica

13 What company introduced the first commercial minicomputer 65? DEC

14 What was Mae West sent to the workhouse for in 1926? Writing starring in play called sex

15 Aurore Dupin born 1804 changed her name what 19th cent author? George Sand

16 What was the name of Juliet’s cousin killed by Benvolio in R+J? Tynbalt

17 Jockey / Author Dick Francis what injury on his wedding day? Broken collar bone

18 Mary Kelly was the last known who? Victim Jack Ripper

19 Name the person who caused Chicago kids to get school milk? Al Capone

20 In New York by law the death penalty is required for what act? Jumping off a building

21 In the Superman comics name the shrunken city in a bottle? Kandor

22 What beer is represented by a goat? Bocks Beer

23 What fish is known as poor mans lobster? Monk Fish

24 What movie actor was (among other jobs) a bridge painter? Paul Hogan

25 What was the most commonly occurring name on the internet? Bill Clinton

26 What astrological star sign covers July 24 – August 23? Leo

27 What song is about a sheep stealing suicide? Waltzing Matilda

28 Who wrote The Screwtape Letters? C S Lewis

29 Name first car model with transverse engine front wheel drive? Austin Mini

30 In Texas its illegal to shoot a buffalo from where? Hotel second story

31 In the Flintstones Dino was Fred’s pet who was Barnie’s? Hoppy

32 Ouagodougou is the capitol of what country? Bakina Faso

33 Roy Rogers girlfriend Dale Evans rode what named horse? Buttermilk

34 Goyanthlay (one who yawns) famed under what Mexican name? Geronimo

35 What does the initials NMT on a prescription mean? Not More Than usually narcotics

36 What is the world tallest horse? Shire Horse

37 In WW2 the Germans launched operation Bernhard – what? Counterfeit British notes

38 What is the ruling planet of the astrological sign Taurus? Venus

39 What bird lays the largest clutch of eggs? The Grey Partridge up to 16

40 In Texas by law criminals must give their victims what? 24 hours advance written notice

41 On ER what is the character name of Mark Greens daughter? Rachel

42 What Zimbabwe beer is named after a river? Zambezi

43 In what part of New York did the Great Gatsby live? West Egg

44 Name Merlin’s owl in Disney’s Sword in the Stone? Archimedes

45 Jerry Yang and David Filo created what? Yahoo

46 Who was the leader of the notorious Gambino Mafia family? John Gotti

47 Name William Shakespeare son? Hamnet

48 What is Barbara Streisands middle name? Joan

49 What is Carambola? Starfruit

50 In Thailand its illegal to step on what? Nation’s Currency

51 In Lynch Heights Delaware its illegal to do what in an airplane? Sneeze

52 Victor Buono played what Batman villain in the original series? King Tut

53 What Ferrari model was named after the makers son? Ferrari Dino

54 Actor was known as Singing Sandy (dubbed) early in career? John Wayne

55 A Stag with 12 point antlers is known as a what? Royal

56 In what state was the largest cavalry battle in the civil war? Virginia Brandy Station 20000 men

57 In the Bible Jesus walked on water who else did this? St Peter – to Jesus from boat

58 What was Motowns biggest hit in 1968? Heard it through the Grapevine

59 The Kung San people live in what area of Africa? Kalahari Desert in Botswana

60 What is the most popular Mexican beer in the USA? Corona

61 In Kansas its illegal to eat what on Sunday? Snakes

62 Beverly Hillbillies what did Jethro get Jed for his birthday? Electric Pencil sharpener

63 Whose cusine would offer you Leberkas? German it’s liver

64 Where did Hamlet send his girlfriend Ophelia? A Nunnery

65 What was the police chiefs name in the first two Jaws films? Martin Brody

66 What group sang about a Suicide Blonde? INXS

67 What African country gained independence in 1980? Zimbabwe

68 Where were the 1964 winter Olympics held? Innsbruck Austria

69 In Sioux language the Paha-sapa is what place? Black Hills – Dakota

70 What Wimbledon finalist (loser 1879) murdered his wife? St Leger Gould

71 In Topeka Kansas its illegal to install what in your house? Bathtubs

72 Simpson’s what was Homers nickname as baseball team mascot? Dancing Homer

73 What companies cars are nicknamed mopars? Chrysler

74 Rhett Butler of Gone With the Wind was born where? Charleston

75 The King Cobra is the only snake that does what? Builds a Nest

76 What does a hotwalker do? Walks a hot racehorse

77 In what county did the Aryan race originate? India

78 What 80s band had a hit with Tainted Love? Soft-Cell

79 What is a Texas Ruby Red? Grapefruit

80 What is used to flavour Kriek Belgian beer? Cherries

81 In Halstead Kansas doing what is illegal at the airport? Walking and loud burping

82 In Life of Brian what name does Stan want to be known as now? Loretta

83 “Its all Greek to me” comes from what Shakespeare play? Julius Caesar

84 What was the name of the high school in the movie Grease? Rydell

85 In what city was the first playboy club opened in 1960? Chicago

86 In the Bible in what city did Jesus perform his first miracle? Cana – John 2:1.11 Water into wine

87 What was the Mark Twain in WW2? A Bombsight

88 Charcarodon Carcharias is the Latin name for what creature? Great White Shark

89 If a prescription said b.i.d. what would it mean? Twice Daily

90 What Indian tribe did the army most often use as scouts? Crow

91 In Brockton Mass you must have a licence to enter where? Towns Sewers

92 Happy Days was a spin off from what US TV show? Love American Style

93 What river in Africa carries the most water? Congo – Zaire

94 HG Wells invisible man had what physical oddity? Albino

95 Who was known as The King of Pop? Michael Jackson

96 Measure for Measure deals with what contemporary theme? Angelo harasses Isabella sexually

97 Where is the base city for Porsche cars? Stuttgart Germany

98 What is Gohan? Japanese Rice

99 What does Mit Hefe on a German beer bottle mean? With Yeast

100 In Detroit wilfully destroying your old what is illegal? Radio

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